Tropiclean Fresh Breath Clean Teeth Oral Care Gel for Dogs


SKU: 1882-00107 Category: Tag:

Tropiclean Fresh Breath Clean Teeth Oral Care Gel for Dogs provides an easy and convenient way to combat odours and promote dental health! Simply put a drop of the gel in your dogs mouth and watch as they reap the benefits. Not only does this gel leave a refreshing scent, it also fights harmful bacteria that can lead to gum disease and cavities. This gel also contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients that create stronger, healthier gums and teeth!

With this gel, you will only find the highest quality, all natural ingredients that are 100% safe for your dog. If you’re looking for a great option to keep your dogs mouth the healthiest it can be while neutralizing odours, look no further than Tropiclean Fresh Breath Clean Teeth Oral Care Gel for Dogs.

Why We Recommend Tropiclean Fresh Breath Clean Teeth Oral Care Gel for Dogs:

  • Eliminates odours
  • Fights off harmful bacteria that would otherwise lead to gum disease
  • Rich in vitamins and nutrients
  • No brushing required
  • Natural ingredients


2 oz


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