Open Farm Chicken and Salmon Grain Free Canned Dog Food


Case of 12 X 12.5 oz cans

Open Farm Chicken and Salmon Grain-Free Canned Dog Food is a delicious pate for adult pups. This recipe features humanely raised chicken, with wild-caught salmon, enhanced with non-GMO vegetables and superfoods like sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, and turmeric. Each ingredient is 100% traceable, back to the source.

Open Farm Chicken and Salmon Grain-Free Canned Dog Food is nutritionally complete, meaning that it has everything you pooch needs to thrive. It’s free from grains, and legumes, and made without carrageenan, corn, or soy. Every serving is packed with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, essential vitamins, and minerals. Available in a case of case of 12 X 12.5 oz cans. Ships Canada-wide.

Why We Recommend Open Farm Chicken and Salmon Grain-Free Canned Dog Food:

  • Humanely raised chicken is the first ingredient
  • Wild-caught salmon
  • Non-GMO vegetables and superfoods
  • Pate texture
  • Highly palatable
  • 100% traceable ingredients
  • Grain and legume-free
  • No carrageenan, corn, or soy
  • Complete and balanced for adult dogs


Chicken, Chicken Broth, Potatoes, Chicken Liver, Salmon, Sweet Potatoes, Flaxseed, Tapioca, Agar Agar, Carrots, Dicalcium Phosphate, Potassium Chloride, Dried Chicory Root, Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Niacin Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin A Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement, VitaminB12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement), Minerals(Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Sodium Selenite, Calcium Iodate), Spinach, Choline Chloride, Taurine, Turmeric.

Guaranteed Analysis:

  • Crude Protein: 8.2%
  • Crude Fat: 7.2%
  • Crude Fibre: 0.49%
  • Moisture: 73.74%
  • Ash: 2.43%


1159 kcal/can

Feeding Guide:

Serve as a complete & balanced meal or topper for adult dogs. The amount of food your dog requires will depend on activity, age, environment and breed. Feed at room temperature and refrigerate unused portion. Always provide access to clean fresh water.

Suitable For: Adult Dogs Senior Dogs


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